Description Address Date Tags
Tidal weir at Glasgow Green (closed) Glasgow Green n.d. c.1904, Glasgow Green,
River Clyde
Fireplace; birthplace of Professor John Stuart Blackie 30, Charlotte St
Glasgow Green
1907, Charlotte Street,
Glasgow Green,
St Andrew's by the Green Episcopal Church Glasgow Green n.d., Churches,
Glasgow Green,
Historic Buildings
Bowling green and Nelson's monument Glasgow Green
Glasgow Green
1904, Glasgow Green
Athenaeum arch from Ingram St buildings Glasgow Green
Glasgow Green
n.d., Glasgow Green
Canoes on the Clyde Glasgow Green 7 May 1955, Glasgow Green,
River Clyde
Archway at entrance to Glasgow Green (postcard, 'Wrench' series) Saltmarket
Glasgow Green
n.d. c.1906, Glasgow Green,
Church: St Andrew's parish Glasgow Green
Glasgow Green
July-Aug. 1916, Churches,
Glasgow Green
Children with washing on Glasgow Green; Greenhead Public baths (wash-houses, steamies) Glasgow Green
Glasgow Green
n.d. ?c.1900, Children,
Glasgow Green
Victoria Fountain Glasgow Green
Glasgow Green
June 1975, Fountains,
Glasgow Green
People's Palace museum, interior of the Winter Gardens (postcard) Glasgow Green
Glasgow Green
postmark 1907, Glasgow Green,
David Dale's house 76, Charlotte St
Glasgow Green
n.d., Charlotte Street,
Glasgow Green,
Historic Buildings
High Court (William Stark, 1807, rebuilt 1971, except for portico) Saltmarket
Glasgow Green
May 1974, Glasgow Green,
Historic Buildings,
Magersfontein memorial in Winter Gardens, People's Palace Glasgow Green
Glasgow Green
n.d., Glasgow Green
Cleggie & Sons, slaters and plasterers Greendyke St
Glasgow Green
n.d. ?c.1916, Glasgow Green,
Greendyke Street
Pontoon bridge under construction Glasgow Green
Glasgow Green
1910, Glasgow Green
St Andrew's by the Green Episcopal Church Glasgow Green n.d., Churches,
Glasgow Green,
Historic Buildings
1-8, Monteith Row
Glasgow Green
6 Mar. 1964, Glasgow Green,
Monteith Row
St Andrew's by the Green (1750) Greendyke St
Glasgow Green
n.d. ?c.1916, Churches,
Glasgow Green,
Greendyke Street,
Historic Buildings
(Thomas Binnie, architect) Monteith Row
Glasgow Green
June 1975, Glasgow Green,
Monteith Row
Back barrow Greendyke St
Glasgow Green
n.d. ?c.1916, Glasgow Green,
Greendyke Street
East side showing Volunteer Bar Charlotte St
Glasgow Green
1908, Charlotte Street,
Glasgow Green,
Monteith Pl
Glasgow Green
6 Mar. 1964, Glasgow Green,
Monteith Place
Rowing on the Clyde Glasgow Green 1955, Glasgow Green,
River Clyde,
Templeton's carpet factory Glasgow Green June 1975, Glasgow Green